Elena Articles

Area Woman Learns How To Make A Habit

Lately I've been thinking about laziness. This is partly, but not entirely, because I am a very lazy person. If I were lazier I probably wouldn't think about my laziness at all, but unfortunately, I've managed to summon precisely enough will to get close to goals that my laziness then …

Awning Fawning, or: Your Landlord Owes You Money

Awnings! I love them. I've spent much of the last year wandering South Minneapolis, or more accurately wandering Kingfield and Lyndale, and you can see a lot of awnings during these wanderings, some of which might be original to the 1920s facades they're attached to. Of course there are also …

The Maintenance Bubble

Ransomware is a thoroughly buzz-word-ified problem. In my current position as "random dev at an infosec consulting company", I have been the recipient of some truly misguided marketing pitches that both presume I have purchasing power within my company, and presume I believe the salesperson when he tells me his …

What Did Facebook Know, and When Did They Know It?

Kidding. But also, not really, because the tl has been full of debate - yes, still - about whether or not the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica breach/hack/whoopsie-doodle is actually a breach, hack, or whoopsie-doodle. In the last 24 hours I've seen people insist that Facebook's data access was definitely a breach …

Hello World, From Travis

Hello world, from Travis. ^ Whew, that feels better. I spent so long with this pseudo-"blog" in its infancy that I had to upgrade a bunch of gems just to get Travis CI working. It's funny to pick up old projects again and realize you've been procrastinating on a relatively …

HTTPS is Fake, and Other Tales

HTTPS: it's fake. Oh, the technology is real enough. Modern encryption is a beautiful thing, and things like HTTPS Everywhere and Let's Encrypt have made HTTPS that rare crypto unicorn, a privacy measure that is actually pretty easy to implement and user friendly on both the admin and client side …

What Is Maintainability, Exactly?

I like to say that I care deeply about maintainable code, which is true, but then I am often asked what counts as maintainable code. How dare you ask me to explain, interviewer/coworker/random guy who overheard me yelling at happy hour! But it's a fair enough question: don't …

Let Biscuits Be Biscuits

Every time I go to make biscuits, which is fairly often because they’re one of my favorite foods, I wind up ranting to myself a bit about the current place biscuits hold in our cultural canon. If you Google (or DuckDuckGo, winkwink, we’re all going to be mass …

Sad Sad Songs

Any time my girlfriend has to look through my carefully curated music library, she says, “why do you have so many sad songs!” And since it would only worry her to say “because nihilism clings to me like spiderwebs to a particularly bug-filled forest tree”, I tell her it’s …