software Articles

The Maintenance Bubble

Ransomware is a thoroughly buzz-word-ified problem. In my current position as "random dev at an infosec consulting company", I have been the recipient of some truly misguided marketing pitches that both presume I have purchasing power within my company, and presume I believe the salesperson when he tells me his …

What Did Facebook Know, and When Did They Know It?

Kidding. But also, not really, because the tl has been full of debate - yes, still - about whether or not the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica breach/hack/whoopsie-doodle is actually a breach, hack, or whoopsie-doodle. In the last 24 hours I've seen people insist that Facebook's data access was definitely a breach …

Hello World, From Travis

Hello world, from Travis. ^ Whew, that feels better. I spent so long with this pseudo-"blog" in its infancy that I had to upgrade a bunch of gems just to get Travis CI working. It's funny to pick up old projects again and realize you've been procrastinating on a relatively …

HTTPS is Fake, and Other Tales

HTTPS: it's fake. Oh, the technology is real enough. Modern encryption is a beautiful thing, and things like HTTPS Everywhere and Let's Encrypt have made HTTPS that rare crypto unicorn, a privacy measure that is actually pretty easy to implement and user friendly on both the admin and client side …

What Is Maintainability, Exactly?

I like to say that I care deeply about maintainable code, which is true, but then I am often asked what counts as maintainable code. How dare you ask me to explain, interviewer/coworker/random guy who overheard me yelling at happy hour! But it's a fair enough question: don't …